Dress Code

Whidbey Golf Club Dress Code

  • The Dress Code Policy is strictly enforced and applies to all members, guests and employees in the Clubhouse and on the golf course.
  • All persons on Club premises must be attired in clean, conventional and acceptable clothes. Clean jeans are acceptable.
  • All males shall wear a collared shirt or overwear. Turtlenecks and mock turtlenecks are considered collars. If a sweatshirt or wind shirt is worn, a collared shirt must be worn underneath. Females shall wear appropriate golf attire tops.
  • Shorts worn by men or women may not be shorter than mid-thigh.
  • Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Attire not permitted: tee shirts, halter-tops, tank tops, tube tops, running shorts, gym shorts, cut- offs or swimsuits.
  • Metal spiked shoes are not allowed in the Clubhouse or on the course.